Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Gunung Sri Pulai

The village of Gunung Sri Pulai, a typical model of the Malay “kampung” is nestled at the foot of Gunung Pulai, about 30 minutes away from Johor Bahru. The village is unperturbed by rapid modernization and maintains the quaint, Malay village character.Let Gunung Sri Pulai cast its spell on you with its fresh mountain air, clear mountain streams and unhurried pace. Relax and take your time to enjoy the beautiful scenery while mingling with the locals. You can experience the following at Gunung Sri Pulai; Hydroponic, Fish farms, Rubber tapping, Homestay and Mushroom farming.A 8-hectare fascinating recreational forest reserve with a catchment area of unique flora and fauna sanctuary is the perfect picnic spot and venue for seminars and work camps for adventurers trekking to the summit of Gunung Pulai. Along the course of a river are several waterfalls with pools at its bottom.

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